There are many ways to increase penis size in men today. It should be remembered that it can be used only after consulting a doctor. Modern manufacturers offer special creams, gels, tablets, massage methods, weighting agents and other means for penis enlargement. However, not all methods are equally effective and safe. In some cases, there may be no result.
The essence of the problem
The male genitalia are considered small when they are less than 7 cm long in an aroused state.This is very rare. Doctors say that according to statistics, 92% of patients who have a small penis problem are 12 cm or more in length. This indicates that the organs are of medium size and do not need to grow.
After the age of 50, men should be especially careful: they can use folk remedies for penis enlargement, but it is better to give up drugs.Such methods can cause significant damage to an elderly body.
Testosterone preparations
There is an opinion that the length and size of the penis depends on the amount of testosterone in the body. However, the male hormone does not affect the volume of sex, but the duration and quality of sexual intercourse. Taking drugs that contain testosterone is dangerous to health with existing chronic diseases.
In any case, it is important to consult a doctor about whether it is possible to take this hormone.
Special massages
This method is popular, but almost does not work. Its essence is to regularly pull the body in different directions.
Massaging and kneading the penis will help improve blood circulation in the groin area, but will not affect its size.
The most radical solution to the problem is surgery. This method is effective - it can increase both the length and width of the penis. However, such a procedure leads to a number of possible consequences. These are various infections, impotence, partial or complete loss of sensitivity.
The operation may have irreversible consequences. For example, communication will bring no pleasure, only anxiety. A surgeon should only be consulted if there is direct medical evidence.
Ointments, gels
There are many penis enlargement products in the form of ointments and gels. Manufacturers often promise an increase of 5-10 cm in body size. But you should not expect such a result.
With the help of gels and various creams, you can get a temporary small effect due to the rush of blood. If the ointment has a warming effect, the growth can be up to + 1-2 cm in the excited state. However, these few centimeters will disappear over time and remain the same size.
Folk remedies
There are many popular recipes for genital growth - herbal solutions, infusions, compounds for grinding.
Below are the most popular erection and penis enlargement products.
Thyme infusion
For half a glass you need to drink the infusion 2 times a day - morning and evening. The application period lasts about 4 months.
- 2 tablespoons. l. chop the herbs.
- Pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Insist on
- .
Garlic Tincture
In this case you need:
- Finely chop or chop the garlic.
- Put in a bowl.
- Fill with alcohol (to cover the raw material).
- Leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place.
Duration of application is 3 months, 25 drops of tincture every day.
Ginseng and hawthorn infusion
- Take herbs in equal proportions.
- Cut and pour alcohol (to cover the raw material).
- Insist for about a week.
It is necessary to rub such a composition on the genitals every day. However, you should be careful as burns and irritation are possible with damaged skin.
Recipe with turnip seeds, carrots, milk and butter
- Mix 1 kg of butter, 1 liter of cow's milk, 90 g of carrots and turnip seeds, 1 kg of asparagus.
- Boil for about 10-15 minutes.
The product should be taken in 1-2 tablespoons for 1-2 months. l.
You can often find a recipe for rubbing your penis with soda. According to men, this method can effectively increase the penis by 0, 2-0, 5 cm. The result is small, but adequate for such a simple recipe.
To wipe, you need:
- Take a hot or warm shower, steam the skin well.
- Mix 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive oil is suitable). soda (up to a consistency suitable for application).
- Apply the mixture to the penis and massage with massage movements.
You can use a sponge (cloth) and gently rub the product. Baking soda significantly increases blood circulation due to a few millimeters of swelling of the penis.
Weight is another option for male penis enlargement. You can buy them in specialty stores. They are used in a very simple way - they hang from the head of the penis.
An important disadvantage of this method is to reduce the thickness of the body by extending the length.
Another way to increase the size of the male intimate organ is special devices - pumps or vacuum pumps.
The penis is placed in the reservoir of a device where the pressure is significantly reduced. For this reason, the penis swells and grows.
Non-surgical male genital augmentation can damage blood circulation, vascular condition, and even the quality of intercourse and erection. The results are also short-lived. The size of the male body is the same as the swelling passes.
Visual growth
You can shave or wax to make the penis look bigger, and cut all the hair in the groin area.
It is also recommended to lose weight. Thus, due to getting rid of the abdominal cavity, the size of the body will increase with the ability to see.
Last tip
If you are sure that the penis needs to be enlarged + 5-7cm, do not rush. It is better to re-read the tips and tricks on how realistic this is and how to get the result reliably.