Many men are concerned about increasing the length of the genitals without surgery. The simplest, cheapest and safest method available at home is regular baking soda. Is it possible to enlarge the penis with baking soda, how to use it and are there any side effects - we will explain below.

Can you enlarge your penis with soda?
Penis enlargement with soda- Unambiguous solution to the problem. Many men who tried this technique in their own experiments were satisfied. Some did not find this method very effective. Therefore, before using soda for these purposes, it is important to measure the pros and cons.
Self-baking soda can not directly affect the genitals. However, by penetrating the body, it removes toxins and toxins, as well as activates testosterone production. Moderate amounts of soda have a positive effect on the circulatory system, especially cleanses the blood, serves as a prevention of blood clotting and prostatitis.
It is important to understand that soda increases the size of the penis a bit and its effect will be short-lived. After a while, when the movement is over, the penis regains its previous shape. In this regard, it is advisable to use this method at least an hour before the expected intimacy.
Note!With regular rubbing of the penis with soda, such an effect will not last more than an hour or two. Therefore, there is no need for a permanent procedure. The product will give the best results with one application. In addition, side effects can occur due to uncontrolled use of sodium bicarbonate.

The effect of soda on the male body
The beneficial properties of baking soda can improve men's health and increase male potency, although baking soda is not on the list of aphrodisiacs.
Proponents of soda consider it a reliable way to save men from misery:
- When baking soda enters a person's body, it normalizes metabolism and the production of hormones, including testosterone. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs.
- Internal intake of soda increases lymph flow to the pelvic organs.
- Soda cleanses the body, removes toxins and strengthens the immune system. Strong body and strong immunity make a man resistant to stress and therefore tolerant in bed.
Preparation for the procedure is very simple. Simply wrap your penis in a soft towel moistened with warm water. This will help activate blood flow and increase skin elasticity. The movement is performed several times an hour before the start of the massage. You should also prepare a mixture for application in the preparatory stage: soda and water are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio to a thick consistency. If you want, you can add a baby moisturizer in addition to the composition. Massage will help prevent possible discomfort as a result of peeling and itching.
Methods of escape
There are several ways to grow a penis at home, it is better to give them up. Otherwise, the risk of complications is high.
Attention! Many methods are based on men's assumptions and there is no confirmation of their effectiveness. Only a doctor can choose an effective tactic to enlarge the penis.
The main side effect of drugs is hormonal imbalance.
Most pills that help lengthen the male genitals contain hormones and biologically active substances. These drugs usually have a large number of contraindications and side effects.
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The use of hormonal medications can only help increase the size of the penis during adolescence. During adolescence, the body is still actively growing and developing. Such pills will not help after I grow up.
The main side effect of drugs is hormonal imbalance. This in turn causes many side effects. These include:

- Erectile dysfunction.
- Disorders of the sex glands.
- Decreased performance.
- Deterioration of psycho-emotional state.
- Occurrence of somatic pathologies.
Also, hormonal agents can adversely affect the function of the liver and kidneys, as they create an increased load on these organs.
Suspension of cargo
Another method that should not be used to increase penis size is to hang weights from the penis. The technique was used by African tribes in ancient times. For boys, even in childhood, weights were hung on the body of the genitals.
Over time, the weight of the load increases. This method allows you to lengthen the penis by a few centimeters. However, as a result of such procedures, the penis becomes thinner and erectile function is impaired. Therefore, hanging is not worth training.
Application process - how to increase
The most common uses for baking soda are massage, baths and massages.
Massage is the most popular. This should be done carefully as the skin of the genitals is thin and sensitive. May be damaged by rough movements and strong friction. The technique is aimed at lengthening the tissues of the penis. When combined with baking soda, the massage will help spread blood flow through the arteries and thus expand the body.
Water is also mixed with hot water in a ratio of 1: 1. Friction, smoothing movements. Run from the bottom of the penis to the end. Do not open your head and do not allow soda to enter.
The massage should take about 20 minutes. After the manipulations, you should rest thoroughly and take a horizontal position. If you get up immediately and start doing daily activities, the body will perceive it as stress, ie the procedure will not have any beneficial effect.
The second effective method is a bath. You can take it 60 minutes before sex.
It is not difficult to prepare a bath: 200 ml of water should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. After receiving the solution, the penis should be immersed for 15 minutes. Then gently wipe the skin with a clean towel and, if possible, wrap it to keep the body warm for a while.
The third common method is scrubbing. First you need to dilute1 teaspoonwith soda2canteensspoon of water. Lubricate the skin of the penis with the resulting composition and gently massage for five minutes. Then rinse the composition and wipe the skin until completely dry.
Attention!Scrub should not be applied to your scalp. There is a high probability of damage and more unpleasant consequences.
It should be noted that you can add honey, warm milk or baby cream to the scrub. When using this or that tool, you must first test by treating a small area of skin first.
Become Beware!Care should be taken on the surface of the genitals to avoid microtrauma. If there is a burning or itching sensation, rinse immediately with warm water.
It is not recommended to perform the above manipulations more than once a day. The duration of therapy should not exceed 2 weeks, depending on the condition of the skin and general sensations.
It is pointless to take baking soda inside to enlarge the penis. . . In addition, despite its safety for the human body, there is a risk of poisoning, an increase or decrease in gastric acidity, ulceration.

A combination of baking soda and lumps
When asked about the benefits of soda, the men of the forum shared their views, while many noted the miraculous exercises performed at the same time as "soda therapy".
A dangerous type of exercise called compression. Literally translated from English, it means "squeeze with a clamp. "The main purpose of exercise is to transplant external blood vessels to delay the flow of blood from the penis.
The essence of the technique:
- To squeeze the base of your penis, you will need a car or locksmith clamp of the right size.
- You should start your workout with no more than 5 minutes of squeezing.
- Make sure you move while exercising. It is forbidden to sit or lie down, even if it is a nuisance.
According to reviews, if you train every day for six months, you can achieve a penis enlargement of 2-3 cm. But do not forget about soda and take a soda solution.
It is important to note that training is not safe. People with problems with blood vessels or diseases of the genitourinary system can not exercise.
Soda with other products
If you combine massage, bath or scrub with other means, such as olive oil, honey paste and menthol balm, the penis can be enlarged with soda:
- To prevent injury, itching and peeling, olive oil is rubbed into the skin after applying baking soda.
- Honey paste is used in combination with baking soda to increase the elasticity and soften the skin. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Menthol balm contains essential oils that can improve and accelerate the effect of soda. It should be used in combination with sodium bicarbonate, preferably in a 2: 1 ratio.
There are several ways to use soda to enlarge your penis. However, it is recommended that you consult a qualified professional before proceeding with any procedure.
Soda massage

This procedure is the most popular, but must be performed correctly and systematically to achieve a positive effect. You should prepare your penis directly before starting the massage. To do this, take a soft towel, moisten it with warm water and then wrap it around the penis. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times.
You can choose any exercise, but keep in mind that their purpose is to increase the penis. During the break between exercises, it is important to normalize blood circulation in the body, which should be massaged with light movements. Sodium bicarbonate is recommended for this relaxing massage. To do this, you need to put a little soda in the palm of your hand and then make light rubbing movements. It takes 15-20 minutes after the massage. sleep as comfortably as possible.
Soda compresses
This method is also widely used by men to enlarge the penis. To make a sodium bicarbonate solution suitable for compressing, pour 100 mg of warm water into a bowl and pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of the substance into it. Everything is well mixed. Then you need to take a piece of gauze so that they completely shake the whole penis. The resulting mixture is moisturized and wrapped around the penis. Remove the compress after a few minutes.
Such compresses should be done every day for 30 days. If the procedures are performed irregularly, they will make some sense. If you want, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the mixture while using male aromas (cypress, cardamom, etc. ). This will allow the man to relieve tension.
Making soda inside

It is recommended to take sodium bicarbonate at the same time as penile lengthening exercises. He is able to dilute the blood. As a result, the blood supply to the penis will increase, which will have a positive effect on exercise.
It is recommended to drink soda solution every morning on an empty stomach. To prepare it, take 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and 200 ml of warm water. However, it is recommended to start with a third of a small spoonful of soda. Then the amount of substance should be gradually increased.
Soda oil massage
To perform this procedure, you need to cover the penis with any vegetable oil. Sodium bicarbonate should then be applied to the entire length of the body. After that, you should massage the entire length of the penis while doing light friction movements. You should not press hard, as this can damage the delicate skin. The massage should be performed for 3-5 minutes.
Soda bath
To prepare such a bath, you need to prepare a mixture of water and sodium bicarbonate (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). The water temperature should be between 38-41 degrees. The duration of the bath is about 15 minutes.
Soda-honey massage To perform the procedure, you need to prepare a mixture of honey and soda. These two components should be taken in equal proportions and mixed well with each other. The resulting mass is applied to the entire length of the body, after which it should be massaged, light friction movements are performed. The procedure lasts from 3 to 4 minutes.
Possible side effects

The most common side effects of baking soda are: a feeling of corrosion of the delicate skin of the body, pain and discomfort in the groin area. It will take a long time to repair the damaged epidermis. This should be taken into account when deciding whether to use the product regularly.
Baking soda kills beneficial bacteria, destroys opportunistic microflora, strikes a crushing blow to immunity. As a result, unpleasant diseases such as candidiasis, balanoposthitis or balanitis can develop.
Serious Adverse Reactionscan occur in people who have:
- individual intolerance to soda;
- Increased gastric acidity (risk of peptic ulcer disease);
- Sensitive skin (risk of irritation, allergies and inflammation).
Both negative consequencescan occur in men with malignant tumors (soda creates a favorable environment for the further development of cancer cells) and in people with a history of diabetes mellitus.
UsuallyThere are no side effects if you follow the precautions and do not abuse the procedures. Therefore, before using soda, check the expiration date, do not exceed the dose, only massage with scrubs with clean hands and do not use the product in the presence of the above contraindications.
Baking soda is a natural substance, which means that it is generally safe to use. But like any product, it has contraindications. It is forbidden to use soda for penis massage or compress:
- In the presence of wounds, skin rashes.
- With individual intolerance of the body to the product.
- With some pathological changes in the body (you need to consult a doctor).
The use of soda inside has the same factors as external use, as well as a number of additional contraindications. These include:
- Chronic gastritis and other diseases with impaired acidity in the stomach.
- ulcer.
- Allergic reaction to the product.
It is strictly forbidden to use expired soda, it is necessary to check the expiration date indicated on the packaging before use. In addition, if the powder has not expired, but has a yellow color, unpleasant odor or other defects, its use is prohibited.
Other ways to enlarge your penis
Using a vacuum pump, jelqing training techniques and special preparations, you can increase the size yourself in addition to soda. Some users apply penis enlargement through weights, hormones, needles, and ligamentotomy (surgery).
The safest methods are vacuum pump and jelqing. In other cases, negative consequences are possible. In addition to rashes, burns, peeling, itching and mechanical damage to the skin, there is a possibility of hormonal imbalance, deterioration of the thyroid gland, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
Penis enlargement pump is indicated for rehabilitation after erectile dysfunction, prostate surgery or radiation therapy. This is a completely safe device that cannot be damaged (in the form of damage) when used properly. It is possible to achieve a 10% increase in length thanks to the pump, but when used frequently, there is a risk of bruising, lymph edema, darkening of the scalp, the appearance of blood spots and small vascular microtrauma.
Male Enlargement Technique - Jelqing.
Jelqing technique is aimed at stretching the tissues and is similar to masturbation (without ejaculation) with the application of certain rules. Before the procedure, you should immediately warm the body with a heating pad (moisten with a towel in warm water and salt). Then apply the lubricant along the entire length of the penis. Then connect the thumb with the index finger with the letter "o" and slide it up and down along the surface. After a few minutes of massage, squeeze the resulting ring and slowly stretch the genitals in the same direction diligently. After a while (about 30 repetitions) it is necessary to squeeze the genitals with open palms. Repeat the exercise 50 times without erection.
For what purposes do men use soda?
There is no reliable source that can prove the effect of baking soda on the change in the size of the phallus. The authors of articles on penis enlargement with soda only mention its auxiliary capabilities. Some people recommend softening the tissues of the genitals with this substance before exercising with a hanger, expander.
Sodium bicarbonate crystals can damage the mucous membrane, cause corrosion, or cause allergies. So, if you decide to test with your own experience whether it is possible to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you will be forced to get scars and abstain from sex for a while.
It is recommended to rub with baking soda before jelking on the Internet, but we recommend using specially formulated creams. For example, some of them fill the tissues with oxygen and increase blood circulation, which makes the body look bigger when it is erect. The cream also relieves fatigue after training with an expander and prevents the appearance of symptoms of overtraining, which are often observed in beginners. If a man unknowingly damages the skin of the penis, the cream will help him heal faster.
In Jelqing, the product is suitable as a lubricant and accelerates the onset of training results. It is true that it will take 2-3 years for the ancient Arabs to wait for the effect of this massage for the growth of the phallus, which came to us from ancient times. However, massage gives proven results unlike soda.
Benefits of soda according to Neumyvakin
Professor I. P. Neumyvakin, in his book on soda, described in detail its useful properties. According to him, sodium bicarbonate can be used equally effectively for baking and treatment. Soda is also used for the growth of the male body, because:
- has an antiseptic effect;
- removes cholesterol;
- cleanses blood vessels;
- restores cell regeneration.
Soda for the penis is applied as an external agent and orally. However, there are a number of contraindications to the technique, and the professor recommends consulting your doctor before starting work.
Useful properties of soda
Baking soda contains bicarbonate anion and sodium cation. The combination of these substances has a positive effect when they enter the human body. Within a few minutes after taking soda inside, the acid-base balance normalizes, as a result:
- blood pressure stabilizes;
- existing edema is reduced because soda affects the kidneys and releases harmful acids;
- the rate of oxygen absorption through the tissue increases;
- energy and biological processes are restored at the cellular level;
- hemodynamics returns to normal.
Soda helps in the following cases:
- bronchitis;
- heartburn;
- fungal infections;
- burns, especially acid;
- Problems with the skin of the face and hair, dental plaque
- obesity. Soda baths compress the body, shed extra pounds.
Under the influence of soda, as a result of the healing processes in the body after its intake: the general well-being and psychological condition improves, ie appetite, mood and ability to work increase.
How is baking soda used to increase potency?
Soda is also widely used to increase potency. Thus, it is recommended to take soda baths, enemas, as well as to take this substance internally. If the cause of impotence is a psychological factor (stress, anxiety, depression, etc. ), then it is recommended to combine all the listed procedures for the best effect.
- Sodium bicarbonate bathSoda baths perfectly fight inflammation in the urogenital system, as well as cleanse the body of toxins and toxins and improve metabolic processes. It is recommended to perform such a procedure every evening. To do this, you need to fill the bath with water, the temperature of which should be close to body temperature. Then pour a solution of 500 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 3 liters of boiling water. You should not take this bath for more than half an hour. Then you need to rinse yourself in a cool shower.
- MicroclustersIf you make microclysters using a soda solution on a regular basis, it will be an excellent prevention of diseases such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma. For the procedure, you need to prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and one liter of pre-boiled water.
- AdmissionTaking a soda solution inside can also improve potency. However, this recipe is only suitable to prevent impotence. To prepare the solution, take 200 ml of warm milk and dissolve half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in it. Everything is well mixed and drunk. It is recommended to take such a solution orally every morning on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is from 10 to 25 days.
Benefits of home growth

If you strictly follow all the rules for performing the procedure, home remedies will not cause any harm to the body.
Enlargement of the male sex at home is very often done by men, because only a few decide to see a doctor. These methods have their advantages. These include:

- Profitability. Home remedies are less expensive than medical methods. This makes penis enlargement accessible to every man.
- Simplicity. No special skills are required to lengthen the penis. It is enough to look at the training videos, get acquainted with the rules of a certain procedure and strictly follow them.
- There is no need to create conditions for growth. Many techniques can be performed anytime, anywhere. No special training required.
- Security. If you strictly follow all the rules for performing the procedure, home remedies will not cause any harm to the body.
Attention! There is a disadvantage of penis enlargement methods. Their effect is observed after a long time.
It takes patience to get the result you want.
Although the methods are related to penis enlargement at home, you should first consult a specialist.