According to statistics, 80% of men have an average penis size. However, half of them are dissatisfied with the size of their genitals. While some give up their physiological features, others try to increase the length and width of the penis by all possible means. One of the most popular ways to increase masculinity at home is to stretch the ends with the help of special exercises and simulators.
To get a positive lasting result, you need to know how to lengthen your penis properly. By performing all manipulations in accordance with traction techniques and safety standards, you can increase the dignity up to 5 cm without any side effects.

Is it possible to lengthen the penis with your own hands at home?
Is it realistic to increase penis size at home? It is possible to enlarge by extending the tip. For example, African tribes have long been involved in genital elongation. They took the basic exercises from them. However, for the effect to be positive, all actions must be performed wisely.
Penis lengthening is not possible in the true sense of the word, because it only damages the penis. However, with the help of special exercises and devices, it is possible to conditionally remove the phallus. The possibility of elongation of the phallus is confirmed by andrological surgeons of the genitals around the world.
What is the essence of the technique?

Methods aimed at enlarging the penis by extension provide growth in the supporting ligament of the penis and also have the following effects:
- increases the volume of the cavernosa body;
- increases blood circulation in cavernous bodies;
- accelerates the formation of new cells;
- promotes vasodilation;
- normalizes the elasticity of vascular walls;
- improves microcirculation;
- increases the tone.
These effects have a lasting positive effect on the growth of male dignity. The result is achieved by intense stretching of the muscles. Microscopic tears appear in the tissues, which are gradually replaced by connective tissue. An increase in size occurs due to compression of the damaged tissue.
Regular exercise helps to lengthen the tendons that touch the protein membrane of the genital organ, lengthen the sacro-tuberculous ligaments, and lengthen the body in a relaxed and upright position. The normal size of the phallus is considered to be 12-15 cm long and around 8-11 cm in an upright position.
The male genitalia grow up to the age of 20. Therefore, its length should not be increased until this age. After 20 years, you can try popular stretching methods, but they must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.
How to do penis lengthening

There are several ways to enlarge your penis at home:
- do special exercises;
- use of simulators;
- massage;
- use of "magic" creams, ointments, tablets;
- hangs from the end of the load.
The first 2 methods are the most popular. Special creams, ointments, gels are usually dummy, and hanging the load is harmful to health. In advanced cases, when the size of the dignity is too small, only surgical intervention will help.
Penis exercises

You can enlarge your penis at home by doing various exercises with your own hands. This method is convenient and safe. Intimate gymnastics provides gradual non-traumatic elongation of the penis, allowing to increase the volume by thickening the diameter of the body. Regular exercise helps to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction and strengthen the potential.
The following exercises will help increase the size of the phallus:
- Hold the penis under your head with your hands, slowly pull it towards you, hold for 5 seconds, return to the opposite position. This helps prepare the ligaments for further training.
- Hold the body under the head with your fingers, remove from the pubis, hold for 5 seconds. Remove the penis by holding it in different directions for a few seconds. There should be some discomfort when pulling, but there should be no pain.
- Extend the tip counterclockwise in a circle. Perform 25 rotations after each circle, massaging the penis.
- Hold the head of the penis with your thumb and index finger, pull the foreskin as far away from you as possible, hold for 5-7 seconds. With the finger of your other hand, press on a point under the phallus, slide it along your torso towards your head, and then pull back.
- Apply a small amount of lubricant to the dignity, bring it to a partial erection (50-60%). Tie your thumb and index finger in a ring under the body, pull along the trunk without touching the head. In this case, the phallus should be squeezed well with your hands. The ring should be pulled slowly for 30 seconds. 50 stretches are done per day. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount to 100.
Exercises should be done slowly and carefully. Massage at the end of the workout. Intimate gymnastics should be performed regularly. Only then can good results be achieved.

How to enlarge the penis with your own hands at home without help? This can be done using special simulators. The most popular expander is a medical orthopedic trainer that provides gradual elongation of the penis. The device is placed on the tip and worn for several hours. The starting point should not exceed the current nominal length of 1 cm.
In addition to the expander, you can use a vacuum pump, special attachments and a stretcher to enlarge the phallus. Before starting the training, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, read the instructions in detail.
What results can you get?

Is it possible to lengthen the penis without surgery? You can learn that you can get good results before you start training. If the penis in a relaxed position is easily drawn, then there is no fibrous thickening, the exercises will be given easily.
The therapeutic effect after training depends on the frequency and duration of training. If you exercise regularly, you can increase the length of the phallus by 3 cm in a few months. The longer the training, the better the result. According to statistics, using an expander, it is possible to increase the dignity by 1, 5-2, 5 cm.
The result of penis elongation is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism. 30% is added to the original length of the penis. The longer the member, the more likely it is to add centimeters. There are cases where it is possible to increase the phallus by more than 30% of the total length, but this is rare. Increasing masculinity by pulling always helps to achieve good results.
The effect will not occur only if the instructions for the procedure are violated. To prove its effectiveness, you can see photos of men who have experienced this technique on themselves.
How to lengthen the foreskin at home

How to enlarge your penis with your own hands at home? First of all, you need to prepare and make sure that there are no contraindications:
- infectious diseases;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- inflammatory processes;
- venous pathologies;
- arterial hypertension;
- temperature.
Once you are sure that these conditions are not present, you can start enlarging your penis. The following manipulations are performed during the preparation stage:
- Take a warm bath to promote blood circulation and muscle relaxation. The water temperature is 37-40 degrees. You should sleep in the bathroom for 5-7 minutes. If you do not have a bath, you are allowed to take a hot shower. The pelvic organs need to be watered for a few minutes.
- After taking a bath or shower, wipe the tip with a dry, clean towel and apply a lubricant.
- Massage your phallus. Soak a towel in warm water, squeeze, wrap around the shaft of the penis, leaving the glans open. Rub the phallus with a towel for 5 minutes. Remove the towel, allow the genitals to rest for a few minutes, repeat the manipulation 2 more times.
- Wipe dry with dignity, re-lubricate with cream.
After that, you can start exercising to increase the size of your penis. It is recommended to combine several technologies to get the best effect. In addition, you need to reconsider your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
The result
It is quite possible to increase the dignity of a man by lying down at home. Many men have learned from personal experience the effectiveness of intimate gymnastics and special sports equipment. It is possible to add 3 cm to the length of the phallus for several months of regular exercise. However, in order to get good results, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, as well as follow the safety rules.